From smartphone or laptop to touch monitor

Traulux TLM80 monitors, distributed by Charmex, incorporate the Eshare PRO 'BYOD mirroring' system, which allows content to be shared from mobile devices and computers with different operating systems.

Posted in: Education 3.0

Aware of the importance of collaborative work in classrooms today, Traulux has incorporated a 'BYOD mirroring' system into its TLM80 interactive monitors . This functionality allows content to be shared to interactive monitors from mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, and even from computers.

This is Eshare PRO, compatible with Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, Chrome and Ubuntu devices. This versatility makes it possible for students or teachers to view their work reflected on the monitor, with up to four simultaneous projections, from any device, and at any time.

With touch control
In addition, in the case of using it with devices with Windows or macOS, in addition to sending the video and the audio, two touch points are transmitted for each one; In this way, both the teacher and a student can take control of the equipment from the monitor itself. In the case that it was projected from four computers, all could be controlled simultaneously, maintaining the compatibility of the gestures.

Another of the remarkable characteristics of this solution is the reverse projection, that is, that on the computer or mobile device you can see the same as on the monitor and even control it; something that can be very useful in certain circumstances:
  • In Infant classes, where the monitors are installed at a low height so that the little ones can do the exercises, in such a way that the teacher can take control comfortably from his computer.
  • In a standard class, the teacher also has the possibility to take control from one of the desks, and leave the role of the students, each one in his place or on the monitor itself.
  • Several students with special needs, or simply because they are further away, can follow the class from their device (up to 12 simultaneous).
Collaborative environment
This function also allows creating highly dynamic and interesting collaborative environments in the classroom, which will help the most modern teachers to enhance learning.

Another great advantage of this functionality is that to share information it is not necessary for students or teachers to enter the general Wi-Fi of the school, because the same monitor can create its own connection point where the name and password are configurable. .

This is where the students will connect, being able to have Internet access if the school decides to do so (if the monitor has Internet access via LAN, it will transmit it to the connected devices). When class ends, the monitor turns off, and students no longer have Internet access through the school network.

For Apple brand devices, it is not necessary to install any app, as it is natively compatible with your AirPlay system. Of course, in order to have all the functions of Eshare PRO it will be necessary to download the application from the App Store itself or from the Eshare website ; something that is mandatory for the rest of the operating systems.
From smartphone or laptop to touch monitor

Other functions available for smartphones or tablets are:
  • Real-time projection from the device camera
  • Sending documents from the computer to the monitor for playback from the monitor's own internal memory (very useful for long or high-resolution videos)
  • Remote control and monitor pointer

And all this with the maximum reliability and guarantee, since Eshare PRO is a company specialized in this type of services that has agreements with the main manufacturers in the world, which guarantees that the system will be updated and will continue to be compatible with new releases of the future.

Do you want to know more about these monitors?

To publicize this and other functionalities of the Traulux TLM80 monitors, Charmex organizes a webinar next Thursday, March 12 at 4:00 pm (Peninsular Spanish time)
09 Marzo 2025