This is how Education 4.0 will impact your classroom

The Clevertouch team, a firm distributed by Charmex in Spain, exposes in this article some of the ways in which Education 4.0 can be a practical feature of learning in today's classroom.

Posted in Education 3.0

Education 4.0 is no longer just a catchphrase or idea associated with the most technologically advanced education providers, but is rapidly becoming a tangible response to the fast-paced world in which new technologies are evolving and in which students Today they must learn to navigate.

Research suggests that 65% of primary school children will end up working in a job that does not yet exist. The workplace they will enter may be unimaginable to us, but it is clear that their future job roles will see humans and technology closely intertwined.

Research suggests that 65% of primary school children will end up working in a job that does not yet exist. The workplace they will enter may be unimaginable to us, but it is clear that their future job roles will see humans and technology closely intertwined.

blended learning

One of the most popular formulas for Education 4.0 is to combine technology and face-to-face learning. There are a number of digital platforms available to Primary and Secondary teachers that encourage such a formula, from Google Classroom and MS Teams, to the free and diverse range of Clevertouch apps like Day Dream Education and Revision Buddies.

Some educators have adopted a flipped learning style in the classroom and today's technology helps to exercise this style of teaching. Online tools allow students to take in vast amounts of information at their own pace, and apply learned skills across a variety of subject disciplines collaboratively. This, in turn, allows for extensive learning rather than limited learning on seemingly unrelated topics.

This is how Education 4.0 will impact your classroom

personalized learning

Additionally, the Internet of Things and 4K technology have made true personalized learning a reality. Clevertouch classrooms around the world are now taking advantage of 'mirroring' technology: mirroring up to 4 mobile devices simultaneously on the monitor.

Personalized adaptive learning is possible with these tools, and the most capable learners will be able to accelerate their learning, while others can wait to master the learning before moving on to the next stage.

07 Marzo 2025